Ear candling also referred to as "Candling" or "Ear Coning," dates back 2500 B.C., and last widely used in Egypt (Africa) and by the Hopi Native Tribe. Ear candling is an alternative way to remove "excessive" ear wax build-up and much more.
It is used to help minimize, decrease or slightly restore either of the following:
Excess ear wax
Swimmer’s ear
Hearing Improvement
Sinus infection Cold/flu symptoms
Sore Throats
Ear Aches
Lymph circulation
Sharpened senses of smell and taste
Clearing the eyes
Fortify the central nervous system
Purify the blood
Release blocked energy
Open the chakras
Cleanse the ear canal
Regulate pressure
Stabilize emotions
Strengthen the brain
and but not limited to relieving stress.
To get started on your way back to restorative health, book your appointment today!
Ear Candling
No Refunds as this is a service
Due to the current global health crisis, appointments are on hold until further notice.