The temperament of the weather is especially interesting consider the most Iconic performance was delivered by Will Smith last night! I called it “the return of the MACK(SLAP)!! ...SOMEONE HAS WOKE THE INNER WARRIOR!” There are Men that are tired of the disrespect towards women. In this case, it happened to be his wife. People have disrespected their relationship, their children, their parenting and so on! So what happens when enough is enough? What happens when the energy you keep putting in the atmosphere comes back to slap you inna face?
For the moment, take a pause and think about what happened on the “Oscar’s!” The Oscar’s is known for award Award Winning movie performances. So how beautiful to own one of the most epic 5 minutes in history! Only to have the best antagonist to win an Award shortly thereafter. No one is shy to the weight that Will has been carrying on his shoulders - but still many laugh or turn away, pretending, his pain ain’t theirs. Somehow when he stood to the occasion, everyone felt his anguish. These emotions have been on his face for awhile and now enough, is enough!
There were no coincidences in his seating while one man - a melanated man would attempt to spew his mindless chatter outloud for the sake of entertainment. I mean, this is not a comedy club, right? The Good news is that, there was no brawl on stage. Just a small acknowledgment of what took place.
The Oscar’s is a “Class” event and so was the Red Wedding. Its fictional realness is minute compared to what happens in realtime when swords are raised. Whether deliberate or not, what transpired was already in the works. The worship of media just broadcasted what has been storming for a good minute. The public’s fascination with War has titled ratings.
From the War in Ukraine, gas prices, unpredictable weather patterns, breakups and makeups to now the greatest husband that ever lived. The constant tipping of the scales is calling for catastrophic changes in the consciousness of the collective.
The energy of division by way of War is certainly beating its drums. It’s seldom that we can get a good joke nowadays without it requiring derogatory remarks shot at something or someone, right? My point is, the energy of War, by whichever means it comes, is happening! How many conversations have you had this month without it requiring a good dusting off of the old Ram’s head and getting down to the root of some things?
The event could manifest so many alternate realities at once and how this wake up call will play out is questionable. However, what I do know is that, WAR is the energy of fire, and fire gives birth for new foundations to be built. Without allowing our minds to play on the Oscar loop, let’s tap into what’s really being shown regarding our inner conflicts acted out loud!
We’re being asked to heal the act of War within us! To dig deep into our inner core to solve our inner division by recognizing ourselves in another’s shoes. That’s not asking you to answer anyone’s problems but to respect their issues by knowing YOU ARE NO DIFFERENT! The difference is nothing but choice!
Ask yourself from this day forward, “How many times have I kept pushing an issue or an outcome, when I knew deep down inside there's a hard "Stop" that's facing me?” Do you keep pushing until you "cross" your own fortune and seal your fate? Where do you draw the line before that “BIG BANG THEORY” hits you square in the face and leave you to wondering…?
I leave with you a message that spoke volumes to me yesterday! In hopes you'll get the message and remember that, "the key to salvation is through self-enlightenment!"
A Practice of Lent
“Learn to know that the real issue is within
Develop the capacity to take hostility
Learn to accept others as they are
Practice sorting little issues from the big ones
Be willing to fail… and let others fail.
Care for people…all of them!”
By Seeker’s Church, Washington, DC
" Will Smith’s already-infamous Oscars incident has spawned a mural."
" Painted by Dominican artist Jesus Cruz Artiles—who goes by EME Freethinker—the piece in Berlin, Germany portrays Smith slapping Chris Rock at the awards show. However, Artiles turned the artwork into an expectation vs. reality meme, with Rock representing “my fantastic social media life” and Smith depicting “real life.”"