Thank God  for the Cards! In case you're wondering whats your next step after such a vigorous past month, with the passing of such a powerful Super Black  Full Moon on July 31st and the slow down of Mercury's retrograde in Leo, I"m sure you require some wise words. We are now in a phase where we have entered a 6D consciousness and what we most desire is manifest in almost zero seconds flat.
So, we must take care to be careful about how we think of ourselves in relation to the world around us. We have been given enough time to practice self-mastery, which should be first nature at this point. This is why daily politics and the confusion of the world is so intense. It serves as a mirror to our inner dysfunctions and how much we need to come back to our inner source. I  know that doesn't seem logical to some, but when we step back to look  at the happenings of the world, it never holds logic but there is always  a system of order in its chaos - and that is, "Us." (Check out that Movie by Jordan Peele).
Anyway, getting down to the card reading. As you can see, my ancestors prompted me to pull from two decks both by Denise Linn - "The Sacred Traveler,"  and "The Native Spirit Oracle Deck." I love when my ancestors guide me  to use the cards because they get down to the microscopic truth. So, therefore, the truth can not be refuted.
Moving on, the first card present in the first row is from the Native Oracle Deck. It is the Sacred Mountain Card. I find this card quite intriguing since I will be leaving in a week to reconnect with the sacred land in Sedona, AZ. I feel the meaning of this card so deeply and spirit has brought it to me to express the importance to you. For  the ones that may not feel connected to where you are, this card  signifies our need to retreat and to go inward for guidance and  direction for all that we seek. However, before we can begin this journey, take notice of where you are in your life, your surroundings and situations. What is it that you notice that you would like to see differently? When you become aware of this, you can enter onto the sacred mountain and tap into its peace for direction. When  doing so, we must not approach the mountain with our anxieties, but  with the resonance that its serenity will bring us all that we need.
Mind you, this Sacred Mountain is only a representation of a sacred place of value to your spirit. This could be your home, car, a special place to vacation and or a place you frequent during meditation. On a physical level, it represents the heart in harmony with the mind, body, and spirit. Since  we are living in a 6D frequency (I'll explain later), we may have found  during last months retrograde and Super Black Moon, we've may have  committed to or thought of separating from people, places and things that no longer serve our highest good. During  this phase, a lot of spiritual contracts were being reevaluated and are  now being decided upon during your journey to the Sacred Mountain. If reluctant to go within your sacred space at the time you are called, then the things you choose to engage with will continually serve as an irritation or aggravation until the reminders are acknowledged. Card written meaning; "This is a time to be still and take the time to move into a silent space. Wait. Do not move forward until it feels right. Surrender to stillness. Do not take action. It is a time to observe rather than react." Allow yourself this time. Resist the temptation to indulge in feelings of stress, urgency, and emergency. Your power is born in silence. Listen for inner wisdom and the answers will come to your heart without delay.
The second card from the first row is The Storyteller (Reversed). By this card being in reverse, there's resistance with living up to your full potential. Whenever  the storyteller re-lives accounts of his or her life in memory, they  alter themselves, demising their power and authenticity. Their power is given away to other circumstances or people that only played a part in helping them to evolve. Instead  of seeing a presented problem as a tool for elevation, demonization  becomes the focus as it only makes the storyteller a victim of his or  her reality - over and over again. Telling  your truth in a way which keeps you in a victim place will never help  towards personal growth, and will attract the same situations with a  higher intensity. We choose the meaning of the events we live in. Be sure to tell your truth in a way that empowers you in your experiences. It is time to be the storyteller and the hero of your own life.
In native traditions, it is said that the tribes gather around the evening campfire and told stories. The most mundane stories in the hands of an experienced storyteller would always recount events with such vibrancy. This card was chosen to remind us to become our champion in our myths. Be not the victim but the central character. Waste no more time living life according to the needs and expectations of others. Don't be a bit player in your own story.
Exercise wrote by Denise Linn: Take an event in your life that you gave a disempowering meaning and  find a way to re-script it so tha
t the interpretation of this same story  is one in which you are the hero. Take your time to complete. There's no rush...
The last card of the first row is a very important one, I'll say. This card is The Warrior of the Heart card. This card appeared to remind us that we must bring forth our inner courage and step into our power. Be impeccable in all our dealings, no matter what others believe - the creator always knows its truth. Live life from your heart and not your mind, which takes us back to the need for retreating to our sacred mountain. When we do so, we have no reservations about speaking our truth in an empowering way. This is not the time to be bound to old programs and scripts. There are times in life when we're called to step back or walk away, but there are also times you will be called to stand for a greater  cause regarding yourself and those acting lesser than themselves.
"The greatest native warriors weren't the ones who wounded the most people; they were those remarkable beings who had such personal power that enemies laid down their weapons rather than fight." Step into your heart warrior space and be the version of yourself that you've forgotten. Other's follow your light!
We're finally at the last row of cards, in which these cards are synonymous with the last reading. I was guided to choose from both decks to help solidify the information given and to help you do your homework around them. As I stated before, cards are in reverse show where we are resistant in our lives. Use the energy of resistance to help you navigate where you must do the work to evolve. Remember, challenges appear in our lives as reminders of where to grow.
The first card, Travel Lightly - calls for us to simplify our lives so that we can make room for the new. We cannot do this if we're still holding on to old stuff, situations, and people that no longer serve our highest good. If  we find that we are agitated by their appearance around us, then it is  time to do the work and clear space so that we can retreat to our sacred  mountain with ease. Sometimes we can be quite the inexperienced storyteller that puts unnecessary props into our storyline. Thus, creating a scene that just needed a minimum amount of accessories to make it understood. When  we do this, we accumulate a lot of stuff, situations, and circumstances  that could have been simplified early on in the developmental phase of  our story. So it is time to get busy cleaning and clearing the unneeded items in our lives. It is time to release what doesn't serve you! You are being called to do this on a physical and spiritual level. We cannot take physical objects with us when we transition this life, so if you have more than what you need - let it go! Make the most of what's necessary and keep it simple.
The card Infinite Abundance follows our efforts to simplify our lives. This cannot be done living and existing in a cluttered space, mentally or physically. The existence of Life itself is vibration and frequency. When you're not vibrating at a frequency that allows your truest desires to manifest, abundance is blocked. You may experience small bouts of abundance but not at a level in which you truly desire. This is why the Warrior of the Heart card stated we must not become bound by old programs, scripts, and belief systems. We must function from the heart for better clarity. Life  runs in cycles. I expressed this in my last blog, "You, Chronos, and the Heavenly  Bodies." This is why the original clock was made in a circular  fashion. Time runs in a cycle which is characterized by a circular motion. This is a time of harvest and you are bearing witness to the manifestation of your labor. Please collect!... However, to do this you must realize you deserve it? For this card is not just talking about finances but your inner talents and strength. Like we share money with loved ones and friends, this is also a time to share fully and deeply of yourself. For the more we give, the more it returns unto us tenfold. It's Universal Law. Spend time being in gratitude toward being thankful for what you do have and watch your abundance grow...
Lastly, we have the Voyage of the Heart card. There's a lot of work needed in this space I see. Looking at humanity on a whole, I say it's quite needed, wouldn't you? The  caption on the card states, "Love flows to you and through you." By  this card being in reverse, it shows a resistance to the wisdom given. Right now, I'm sure there is someone that's reading this and is thinking, "what a crock of shit!" Well, if that's you, I'm not here to make you believe anything but I can help you come back to the remembrance of self. How many times have you felt negative toward energy towards someone and in return they have caused you nothing but a headache. Well, needless to say, what you give is what you get in return. So, if you don't like the outcome of something, you must change the input. This  does not guarantee that the other person will change their issues but  you are less likely to be bothered by another concern when you can  recognize your triggers. With that being said, let's start to revise our story to empower our presence in situations that call us to be strong at heart. When we take a voyage through the heart, we'll begin to realize love is our natural frequency. When  we are connected to this God Frequency, we can serve as a healer in  many situations that may try to pull us outside of ourselves. To  initiate this, we must stay connected to our sacred mountain, keeping  our mind, body, and spirit clear of unnecessary things, empower  ourselves through our internal thinking, and the words we speak over our existence. Tap into our heart space and speak our deepest truth without the fear of feeling vulnerable. You are a beacon of light unto yourself and others. When we are here, we can hear our heart speak at will, even if its at odds with our mind. This is the time to emerge from your depths and bring forth that inner love that you've stored away. Make no mistake, it will be returned unto you. You are love, and love is you. Shine its light brightly at every turn!
It is my sincerest hope that you find enlightenment through this reading. Each time I expand through my teachings, it teaches me in return. I am grateful for the opportunity to put August full moon's energy in perspective for all that seek to know. If you need a more personalized reading, and or other services that I offer, please feel free to book an appointment with me. My office is in Greenbelt, Md. However, on the GPS it has been zoned under several cities. Call or email if you need directions. Again, it has been my pleasure connecting with you and I look forward to our next reading.Â