As usual, the full moon energy has a way of creeping into my auric field around the waxing gibbous moon. I'm too obedient not to hear it when it calls, so today (1/9/2020) I write. Writing is not always my first go-to when the moon's energy hits. Well, at least not writing via blog style, Â that is. I'm called to channel forth different things at different times, However, spirit wanted to land its words here because someone needed to hear this message brought forth by me. That's not to discredit anyone else's voice. Spirit speaks through whomever it chooses at the moment, but for those that landed here, this is for you!
In this reading, we see that the first card is a seven from the Numerology  Guidance Deck. Before this card jumped out at me, the Universe channeled into my consciousness that this full moon in the new year is all about seeing past coded programs and releasing what you thought you knew about yourself. Let's face it, we're not who we were 10 years prior to reading this and you'll be light years different 10 years after this moment. However, this full moon is speaking to the core parts of you that have remained embedded in place since early childhood conditioning.  You know the conditioning that took place when you were told that they're people in the world you cannot trust. Or when you were told not to express your true feeling towards a subject because it doesn't look nice. Or maybe when you were told crying is a sign of weakness, etc.. No wonder we get distracted with the slightest threats of war and obsess over death. We have celebrated this energy for far too long and have bathed in its perversion. The full moon is simply saying, GET OUT of YOUR BOX (2020 = 4 and its latent possibilities)! This is the time to use her energy to address these old codes and programs. Think, if everyone walks  around feeling like something or someone is against them then it becomes a practice we put into universal motion. That Universal motion  (energy) then becomes the core operation of our driving system (primal force). So in order to change any core program to a system, the programmer must implement new codes. I hope I didn't lose you...Ok,  good, you're still here. It's no wonder that there's a lot of shenanigans going on in our outer environment. These energies bring on dis-ease, re-pression, de-pression and so on. We don't catch colds or viruses unless we create the right circumstances for it to exist. Ponder on that!...
Bringing you back to the numerical reading, the number seven  stands to convey that Personal Growth comes by following through with our word and intentions. I hear so many say, "Spirit has guided me to do  something else." This usually comes after their word has been given to some endeavor that has become a bit overwhelming. Instead of speaking to the state of overwhelm or the frustration of a situation,  look for new ways of expression in tandem with spirit versus the obvious shut down by blaming the redirection on Spirit alone - as if there's no say in self-communication, or there's no communication at all.  This behavior shows when the core program of an individual denies adware because the codes aren't recognizable to its security system. But just like adware, new programs are targeted based on the level of interest in a  subject. The number seven says, see your personal communication with the Universe as a  way to override outdated codes, programs, and beliefs that keep you running slow on an old operating system.
Following seven is the number six - Love. A word used so vainly that it's totally up for revamping. In fact, Spirit guides me to give it a new meaning. Instead of saying "I love...," Say, "I Embrace Unconditionally..." By doing so, it leaves room for you to see the limitations in your own efforts to love something or someone as they are. Addressing these limitations is important as they bring forth the ability to access a  balanced way of seeing, feeling and communicating with the world around you. Whenever you find that another is not embracing you unconditionally by way of slander, not communicating an issue, etc.. embrace them as is, unconditionally. Know that it's not your place to override their core thoughts, feelings or way of expressing themselves. It is only your place to Embrace their program Unconditionally, as the same will be rendered unto you...This practice alone is what The Kybalion has expressed as Universal law.
Thirdly, hailing from the numerology deck is Moderation, card number fourteen, This card appears to remind you that over indulging or over engaging in activities that will meet your need for distraction will come. During this time, it is best to address behaviors that will delay your manifestations and revise what you would like your outcome to be. Freedom, adventure and responsibility all come with its own but similar rules and that is balance. Chasing either one of these separately for too long and too far is known to cause a system boot failure. So weigh your options and desires carefully against your desired outcome. This process is key to the development of a new program.
Lastly, we have 33, the card of Communication in reverse. What can I say, "WE" got to do better! It's plain and simple. We're at a time where we can no longer use buzz codes to gain access to intelligence that is not of our own vocabulary. We're going to have to dig deep into our vibration and speak our true intentions.  Those shallow days of connecting are over. As for the energy of 33, to some social groups, it is a number held in high regard. However, in this deck, its core number is 6, which is love. Funny how love and communication go hand and hand! In a system, communication of codes is necessary for the operation of it. In its language, there has to be an element of agreement that allows for synchronicity to play its part in interfacing with other systems. Meaning, you cannot be in your own world  24/7 without engaging with others that appear outside of yourself.  Think of the interaction between air and fire, water and earth. They're different elements that exist within the universe to compliment each other. People are no different. We exist as an extension of our own vibrational thinking. With each thought comes its own operating codes that allow for the creation of synchronicity to be formed. You know, the thing that brings people and ideas together in one place and time. With that being said, this is the time to get clear with self by releasing entanglements of miscommunication. This is also the time to find a new language that will promote harmony in your personal and casual relationships, as well as to bring new energy into a place or situation that may have stifled your voice. If a virus has been created in any of  these areas in your life, use the full moon's energy to look deep into your darkness to bring forth light/clarity... The choice is yours! Wow,  ok, I wasn't expecting all of that to come through but hey, I'm just a  messenger that receives messages too. If you need spiritual assistance  please contact me. For local readers, if you're looking to connect with me through my offerings, please click on the link below for my next event. Until we meet again, remain aligned! Ase'Â