I'm sure you've heard of the 80's hit song, "Time," by Culture Club or "Fly Like an Eagle," by the Steve Miller Band. It seems that these legendary artists knew something about time that others may have dismissed as just a lullaby.
What do you do with your time?
It appeared that they knew something about time that seemed difficult for the average mind to comprehend. Maybe they were aware that time was not a linear construct. Meaning, events in our lives do not go in a straight line - one event after another. Instead, life events followed a cycle that is systematically set by our own doing and undoing. This gives me reason as to why the clock has been made round - a circumference that's measured at 360° = 9.
For anyone new to numerology, it is known that numbers represent the language of the universe and there is no number outside of 9. Add up any combination of numbers and you'll get any one number from 1-9. Hopefully that's clear. Moving on, 9 represents the completion of a cycle and the rotation that occurs before a new cycle begins. However, each cycle shares a relation to the first. This can be witnessed by keeping a personal record of your development through any given cycle of time. Anyone can do this by using modern technology, such as an app or by keeping a physical record such as a journal. In doing so, it allows you to see your patterns. Some patterns show a similarity of actions near and around the same date and time of a previous recording, but just within different seasons (years). These patterns are key to expanding or contracting oneself. Facebook is a very good timekeeper; it keeps an account of everyone's daily actions from year to year. Or at least the things that are posted. For anything done on the unpublished level, there's Siri and Cortana...
Anyway, getting back to the subject at hand, and how you can use your personal record-keeping as a way to open, extend and/or exit certain cycles, is what I want to show you. By the time this blog reaches my social media, Jupiter's retrograde will have already started. Again, for my newbies, this means that we " tree hugging space nuts" see the ancient past coming back to a mind near you soon! Meaning, we study what our ancestors knew and what those in positions of power use to their advantage behind closed doors. Yes, they really do! Please do not translate that into a modern day witch hunt for those that feel betrayed by your government. More or less, see this blog as an elementary guide for elevation into sovereignty. Now, back to the rotation of planets and its relevance to your time cycles. Each heavenly body plays a role in our movement through time and space. Their energies govern our actions is more ways than one. As for Jupiter's retrograde, it represents a moment in time where a portal is open for expansion via spiritual growth. But as we know, anything that expands, there is also a counter action. Meaning, things must come back to a reset. During the reset or contraction period, you will experience old paradigms falling, old ideas being shifted with profound inner truth, old goals being tweaked and redefined to pull you forward into great heights, removing stagnation set by personal limitations that must be shifted in order to see your life on a broader scale. So, as you can see this may not be an easy journey for some. This shift will require great strength, as you will tangle with the intangible power of the lower self and the energies that reside between your physical and etherical body. Once self mastery occurs, at least on some level, then you have intercepted a pattern that most likely will cease to repeat itself in the present way. When the soul evolves, then so does the energies that kept you dormant to a cycle of time. When you're able to cast yourself in your highest light, those energies will become your assistant, rather than your own personal devil.
I know someone is reading this trying to grasp all that I'm writing here. Know that I'm not writing to advanced students, but to you who seek an inner-standing of self and the world around you. Even if you don't resonate with all of the lingo, just be aware that now is the time to change old narratives in your life. This is a time to disrupt old patterns and beliefs that have kept you from your inner growth. Knowing that there's something more deeper than what meets the eye will be your best motivator during this time. It's time to lose the dogma of religious thinking that has kept you in a child's position, needing to be fed and led. You are not a "minor." You are a quantum being locked into a physical construct. Which has allowed those that only operate from a physical level to indoctrinate you at birth. Not from an inner knowing. You are gifted with great potential power but have lost sight due to the perspective of something or someone else. Your time is now. Use the heavenly energies to build yourself a new temple, lined with Amethyst and Gold, and guarded with the protection of your Royal Agate. Jupiter will be in retrograde from April 10th - Aug 11th 2019. Make this a great time for growth.Document your journey and study the patterns of your life written in the stars. The choice is yours!
As always, I transmit love and everlasting life to your heart and mind! Many blessings on your journey...